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- ; $VER: PMM-Startup V1.1 (08.04.1999) by Michaela Prüß
- ; this is a complete startup-script for PMM
- ; written by Michaela Prüß in December 1998
- ; (c) 1998, 1999 by Michaela Prüß
- ; if not startet from pmm-root-dir, absolut path must included
- Assign PMM: ""
- If not exists
- MakeDir PMM:Err
- MakeDir PMM:Developer/Lib
- EndIf
- The next two assign's used by me for own includes and the
- sourcedir's. I think that I don't include anything that use
- this assigns. If I make an error and the called from everywhere
- you knwo the meaning of them now.
- ; Assign include: vinclude:
- ; Assign proj: <my mainpath>
- ; Add the dis with binaries and scripts to search-path
- Path PMM: PMM:Bin PMM:Batch ADD
- ; Add the FD-Files (better copy them and forget this)
- Assign FD: PMM:Developer/FD ADD
- Assign Lib: PMM:Developer/Lib
- ; The next lines may be not useable for everybody. I include
- ; them only as demo what to do if Pmm is the only used tool
- ; on the system. I use them since the last makefile is deleted
- ; Remember: unalias unset any alias
- ;
- ; The commandreplace with alias is the best way to change them
- ; wihout really changes on the system. PmmLibr emulate both
- ; commands without problems. But "make <prog> ALL" don't work,
- ; that must write in Pmm-syntax as make <prog> -o all. The alias
- ; is because because I forget often to write the "new" command
- ;
- ; Make <name> now uses Pmm
- ; Alib and Libr now replaced with PmmLibr
- Alias Make "Pmm -o 40 -q 88 -p "
- Alias Alib PmmLibr
- Alias Libr PmmLibr
- ; if not set at other position these lines for PIPE
- ; Set _mchar ","
- ; Set _pchar "|"